In this video we will briefly introduce how to use the remote controller of the Phantom 3 Standard.
Toggle the on/off switch to the right side to turn on the RC. Hold the 2 ends of the RD with your hands.
Place your thumbs on the top of the sticks. Keep the antenna erect during the flight. Ensure the antenna
faces the aircraft with maximum receiving surface. Do not block the RC’s front end to ensure steady
signal transmission. Move both sticks to the bottom inner corners (CSC) to start the motors. Move the
left stick to the bottom and hold for 3 seconds to stop the motors. Beware that moving the left stick to
the bottom can stop the motors only when the aircraft is placed on the ground. When the aircraft is in
the air moving the left stick to the bottom will make the aircraft descend instead. If the sticks are moved
to the bottom inner corners when the aircraft is in the air the motors will stop rotating in the air. It can
force the aircraft to shut down in emergency. You are suggested to land the aircraft first and then move
the left stick to the bottom to stop the motors. The switch at the upper right corner of the RC can be
toggled to set the flight modes as P mode, A mode and F mode. P mode is most frequently used when
GPS is available. A mode is attitude mode and can be used when GPS is unavailable. F mode is function
mode and supports IOC functions.
The switch at the upper left corner of the RC is used to link the RC, initiate RTH and reset Wi-Fi. How to
link the RC with the aircraft. Toggle the switch at the upper left corner to the bottom and hold it for
seconds. Then toggle the switch up and down quickly 3 times or more. The RC will blink and enter linking
status. Find the button at the bottom shell of the aircraft near the battery slot. Press the linking button
for about 2 seconds with pen or other tool and then release it. The linking is completed. How to
initiate/cancel the RTH mode. Quickly toggle the switch at the upper left up and down once to trigger
RTH mode. Toggle the right switch to trigger the flight mode and cancel RTH. You are suggested to
initiate/cancel the RTH mode in the app. Reset RC’s Wi-Fi. Toggle the switch at the upper left corner to
the top and hold it for 1 second. Then quickly toggle the switch up and down 3 or more times. RC
indicator light will flash green and red. The RC’s Wi-Fi password will be reset as 12341234 later.
Phantom 3 Tutorials- How to use the remote controller of Phantom 3 Standard
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